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Open a Zellis Background Checks On-Line Account

This Zellis Background Checks On-line Account will allow you to create background checks on your new employees and pay by creditcard. If you have a large number of employees and would prefer to open an invoiced account please email our team.

Upon submitting this form you will be emailed an activation link. You will need to sign onscreen to confirm you are able to act on behalf of the company in accepting responsibility for using this system within GDPR and your new employees' rights.

Please enter your personal and company details and then click the Submit Details button.

(* denotes a mandatory field)

Enter your personal details

Enter your business details


We need you to sign for yourself and the company. You are signing that you accept the responsibility and that you have authority to act on behalf of the company in accepting the terms and conditions.

Please sign your agreement on screen.    You can use a mouse on this screen, or a pen / finger on mobile devices with touch screen capability to draw your signature. Please draw as naturally and smoothly as possible within the Signature box below.

Zellis Background Checks
Thorpe Park
239 Thorpe Road
Peterborough PE3 6JY
United Kingdom
Tel: 01733 588153

Account Application

Fair Use and Consent

personally and on behalf of my company for ensuring that any individual who will be the subject of background checks gives his/her consent as part of the process.

In order to submit your online application for an Online Account, you will need to sign up to our Terms and Conditions. When you have fully read and agreed these tick the box below before signing and submitting your account application.

Signature *

A completed PDF copy of this form with your e-signature on will be sent by email

Mobile device users: After clicking "Confirm" please wait for up to 30 seconds before moving away.